donderdag 19 november 2009

This week so far in a nutshell

As I mentioned in my blog entry last week, the PlanLive project isstarting to make its strides with quite a few changes and different group setups.

One of my tasks together with my teammates is to bring a commnunity together for PlanLive as the Platform selection will be made soon, so I hope to have a decent community by then. There's a few different social network sites that we're working with but Facebook is probably the most obvious candidate.

Another task that I've been working on is to find suitable applications in which you can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). There's Adobe Indesign for example but my task is to find other programs with the same functions.

woensdag 11 november 2009

Breath of fresh air - back to blogging

A few weeks hahs passed since I blogged/tweeted last, things just seemed uncertain at times and I personally felt in a slump when it came to blogging.

However, we had a few meetings last week and this week as well. While the main goal of this project is still the same, about everything else changed and got switched around.

Long story short, starting from Today, the Widget and Pedia team are pretty much non existant at this point. However, there's sub projects now and all of them shall contribute to the PlanLive project.

Doubt I can say much more at this point, however I hope to be blogging again from now on.

dinsdag 27 oktober 2009

Another new week

As is usual on Mondays, the week started out early with a meeting, after that I could focus on my project.

I didn't make a blog about yesterday, which was intended as I shall be doing very similar things throughout this week, which is trying out many different Wiki platforms.

Basically I download/try the many different platforms and see what features they have etc. So at this point it's to try and reduce the list of potential platforms.

If something unexpecting pops up in this process I shall inform it through my blog.

donderdag 22 oktober 2009

A productive day

Today has been a quiet and productive day, I started off the day with searching through multiple wiki platforms which are needed for the PlanLive project. I did find one platform Yesterday and thankfully I managed to find another seven wiki platforms which caught my eye. Due to the different configurations/hosting plans etc, the total of eight platforms could be divided in two groups, with four platforms each.

I've been keeping myself busy with two platforms(one of each group) and the day pretty much went as I throught it would, a solid day whilst messing with the platform. While doing that I documented the things that I thought were good/not so good, this could range from User Interface to general looks and usability of the editor.

The diving into various platforms shall probably continue for quite some time, but for now it's weekend again.

Have a nice weekend

woensdag 21 oktober 2009

A welcoming Wednesday

Today has been a informative day, moreso then a productive day personally, But I'm quite satisfied as I feel like I have a much better direction when it comes to this project.

This morning I basically continued on my idea on how to keep users interested in Social media websites, I did this until the lunch-break.

Not long passed Noon our two projectleaders gave an presentation about their recent visits to workshops about social media and what the plans are for this current PlanLive project.

AFter the presentation and several questions I feel more satisfied, as it feels like I (and probably most of us) have a better idea to where this project is going. I already found one platform that caught my eye, for it's popularity among the platforms and the ability to add extensions (Google maps).

I'm looking forward to Tomorrow now and hopefully mess abit with this platform.

dinsdag 20 oktober 2009

A calm day

Today has been quite a productive day, been able to work on two different things throughout the day, making nice progress on each "mini" project of mine.

As I've mentioned over the last few blog entries, I was able to install Adobe Dreamweaver so I decided to do some web development for myself. Through the Morning and just after Noon I worked on a simple web page. After getting familiar with the controls/user interface, I managed to complete the simple web page.

The rest of the day I have been spending time on my idea on how to keep users interest, thankfully I didn't have writers block Today so I managed to continue on that idea aswell. I also uploaded the first file to the projectleader this Afternoon.

I dolook forward to tomorrow, as there should be a meeting lasting for some two hours.

maandag 19 oktober 2009

A start of a new week

After a autumn holiday (of which I spent 3 days at the Plan offices) the teams were back together. Though my enthusiasm I had on Sunday soon decreased for a short while.

As I did spent last week at the Plan offices, I pretty much completed the things I wanted to complete. That being the revisement of the English approach plan, make some of the Plan pilot program countries digital (Word document) and last but not least, spending time on my own idea on how to possibly keep users interested in social media.

However things weren't that bad really, I was able to succesfully install Adobe Dreamweaver Today and I hope to install Adobe Photoshop tomorrow so that I have my web development/media tools in place and probably mess around with them for a bit.