woensdag 21 oktober 2009

A welcoming Wednesday

Today has been a informative day, moreso then a productive day personally, But I'm quite satisfied as I feel like I have a much better direction when it comes to this project.

This morning I basically continued on my idea on how to keep users interested in Social media websites, I did this until the lunch-break.

Not long passed Noon our two projectleaders gave an presentation about their recent visits to workshops about social media and what the plans are for this current PlanLive project.

AFter the presentation and several questions I feel more satisfied, as it feels like I (and probably most of us) have a better idea to where this project is going. I already found one platform that caught my eye, for it's popularity among the platforms and the ability to add extensions (Google maps).

I'm looking forward to Tomorrow now and hopefully mess abit with this platform.

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