woensdag 7 oktober 2009

Wrapping up on Wednesdays

Started off the day with finishing the english Approach Plan (Which got posted on PlanLive Basecamp this afternoon). As I did most of the translating Yesterday, Today was mainly about getting most things in their place and do some minor adjusting for the Plan.

I also managed to draw someone idea's for the layout when it comes to PlanPedia page within PlanLive, which is quite interesting as it shall become a knowledge base, yet we want PlanPedia to have something that other knowledge bases don't have.

Which brings me back to Google Earth as that is quite the interactive tool. Thankfully I did find another method for placing Google Earth onto my test blog, and I personally think the latest Google Earth entry on my testblog is cleaner then the old one I had. Probably a subject that shall keep my mind occupied aswell tomorrow.

One final note, I managed to get Adobe Dreamweaver on my laptop, which is used for Web developing. However when I tried to install the program I discovered that the laptop runs on Windows 2000 *sigh*, Ah well.

Another final note: http://planpediatest.blogspot.com/ is the link for my test blog, however you shall need the Google Earth plug-in to actually view Google Earth

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