dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Tiring Tuesdays

Well this Tuesday was tiring atleast, however I doubt it shall make for an interesting entry if I write what I've done Today.

As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, our documents (Or Approach Plan) needed revising and editing. I took up the task and started to edit the Approach Plan, As it is originally written in Dutch, the first round of editing was also Dutch.

However I intend to place on the PlanLive basecamp in the next day orso and that meant an English version was needed also. I tried to upload the document to Google Translator so that I would have a base document so to speak, however the Translator was absolutely rubbish in this case so I decided to make an English version myself.

Thankfully I managed to finish 95% Today, so it only needs little adjusting here and there.. Hopefully it shall be on Basecamp tomorrow.

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