woensdag 30 september 2009

Wonderful Wednesday's

Perhaps I exaggerated a bit with the title but it was a very solid day nevertheless. Fairly early in the Morning we had a meeting with two of our project leaders to discuss our document that we put together over the last few days. I'm happy that some mistakes got filtered out as it does give a better view generally and also it won't be as likely that one makes the same mistakes.

After our lunchbreak I decided to try my luck on getting Google Earth to work on my testblog, I wasn't able to make a breakthrough however I shall return to Google Earth in a bit. So I decided to ponder about an idea which could be related to the PlanLive project as a whole however I won't go into details.

Back to the Google Earth issue, ironically one of my teammates also researched into Google Earth as the day was waning and he did manage to put Google Earth into his blog, thanks to his usage of keywords (or lack off). I couldn't help but feel abit silly afterwards.. All the same, I shall try to poke my teammate to get his blog link and if I get my hands on it, I shall inform it in a tweet.

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