dinsdag 27 oktober 2009

Another new week

As is usual on Mondays, the week started out early with a meeting, after that I could focus on my project.

I didn't make a blog about yesterday, which was intended as I shall be doing very similar things throughout this week, which is trying out many different Wiki platforms.

Basically I download/try the many different platforms and see what features they have etc. So at this point it's to try and reduce the list of potential platforms.

If something unexpecting pops up in this process I shall inform it through my blog.

donderdag 22 oktober 2009

A productive day

Today has been a quiet and productive day, I started off the day with searching through multiple wiki platforms which are needed for the PlanLive project. I did find one platform Yesterday and thankfully I managed to find another seven wiki platforms which caught my eye. Due to the different configurations/hosting plans etc, the total of eight platforms could be divided in two groups, with four platforms each.

I've been keeping myself busy with two platforms(one of each group) and the day pretty much went as I throught it would, a solid day whilst messing with the platform. While doing that I documented the things that I thought were good/not so good, this could range from User Interface to general looks and usability of the editor.

The diving into various platforms shall probably continue for quite some time, but for now it's weekend again.

Have a nice weekend

woensdag 21 oktober 2009

A welcoming Wednesday

Today has been a informative day, moreso then a productive day personally, But I'm quite satisfied as I feel like I have a much better direction when it comes to this project.

This morning I basically continued on my idea on how to keep users interested in Social media websites, I did this until the lunch-break.

Not long passed Noon our two projectleaders gave an presentation about their recent visits to workshops about social media and what the plans are for this current PlanLive project.

AFter the presentation and several questions I feel more satisfied, as it feels like I (and probably most of us) have a better idea to where this project is going. I already found one platform that caught my eye, for it's popularity among the platforms and the ability to add extensions (Google maps).

I'm looking forward to Tomorrow now and hopefully mess abit with this platform.

dinsdag 20 oktober 2009

A calm day

Today has been quite a productive day, been able to work on two different things throughout the day, making nice progress on each "mini" project of mine.

As I've mentioned over the last few blog entries, I was able to install Adobe Dreamweaver so I decided to do some web development for myself. Through the Morning and just after Noon I worked on a simple web page. After getting familiar with the controls/user interface, I managed to complete the simple web page.

The rest of the day I have been spending time on my idea on how to keep users interest, thankfully I didn't have writers block Today so I managed to continue on that idea aswell. I also uploaded the first file to the projectleader this Afternoon.

I dolook forward to tomorrow, as there should be a meeting lasting for some two hours.

maandag 19 oktober 2009

A start of a new week

After a autumn holiday (of which I spent 3 days at the Plan offices) the teams were back together. Though my enthusiasm I had on Sunday soon decreased for a short while.

As I did spent last week at the Plan offices, I pretty much completed the things I wanted to complete. That being the revisement of the English approach plan, make some of the Plan pilot program countries digital (Word document) and last but not least, spending time on my own idea on how to possibly keep users interested in social media.

However things weren't that bad really, I was able to succesfully install Adobe Dreamweaver Today and I hope to install Adobe Photoshop tomorrow so that I have my web development/media tools in place and probably mess around with them for a bit.

donderdag 8 oktober 2009

Summary of this week

Another has passed for me (As I work from Mondays - Thursdays) so I'll be having another one of my weekly rundowns.

The week started off with receiving a list of potential PlanLive platforms which I noticed in the PlanWidget room, not really able to discover the pro's/cons which each platform, I was glad that I don't have to decide which platform to choose.

As our Approach Plan needed revising in Dutch and an English version, I decided to take the task of revising and making an English version myself, which lasted through Tuesday and the morning of Wednesday, the latter part of Wednesday I was diving into Google Earth again and discovered another way to add Google Earth to my testblog, though still needing the plug-in.

As I received some information about a PlanWidget team member (Irving in this case, http://irvingm.blogspot.com/) about a sprout he made, apparently it contained Yahoo maps and I took the oppurtunity to dive in that, though quickly went back to Google Earth/Maps as I prefer that over Yahoo, also have been drawing some layout idea's on paper. I hope to do abit of web development experimenting next week.

As for next week, we're supposed to have a Autumn holiday period (goodness knows why), but as I don't feel the need for a holiday yet, I shall probably work also next week on Monday atleast, most likely one or two more days aswell.

woensdag 7 oktober 2009

Wrapping up on Wednesdays

Started off the day with finishing the english Approach Plan (Which got posted on PlanLive Basecamp this afternoon). As I did most of the translating Yesterday, Today was mainly about getting most things in their place and do some minor adjusting for the Plan.

I also managed to draw someone idea's for the layout when it comes to PlanPedia page within PlanLive, which is quite interesting as it shall become a knowledge base, yet we want PlanPedia to have something that other knowledge bases don't have.

Which brings me back to Google Earth as that is quite the interactive tool. Thankfully I did find another method for placing Google Earth onto my test blog, and I personally think the latest Google Earth entry on my testblog is cleaner then the old one I had. Probably a subject that shall keep my mind occupied aswell tomorrow.

One final note, I managed to get Adobe Dreamweaver on my laptop, which is used for Web developing. However when I tried to install the program I discovered that the laptop runs on Windows 2000 *sigh*, Ah well.

Another final note: http://planpediatest.blogspot.com/ is the link for my test blog, however you shall need the Google Earth plug-in to actually view Google Earth

dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Tiring Tuesdays

Well this Tuesday was tiring atleast, however I doubt it shall make for an interesting entry if I write what I've done Today.

As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, our documents (Or Approach Plan) needed revising and editing. I took up the task and started to edit the Approach Plan, As it is originally written in Dutch, the first round of editing was also Dutch.

However I intend to place on the PlanLive basecamp in the next day orso and that meant an English version was needed also. I tried to upload the document to Google Translator so that I would have a base document so to speak, however the Translator was absolutely rubbish in this case so I decided to make an English version myself.

Thankfully I managed to finish 95% Today, so it only needs little adjusting here and there.. Hopefully it shall be on Basecamp tomorrow.

Another new week

As is usual on Mondays, the Plan employees had their weekly meeting. The different employees tell what happened recently or what is about to happen in the near future.

As for myself, I had a look at a Powerpoint file which was about PlanLive and much to my surprise I saw the PlanWidget team had a list of the various platform. I decided to look into the different platforms and my conclusion was that i'm rather happy that I don't have to choose which platform to take.

Later on in the day I did some researching into programs that could suit my own needs when it comes to developing and I think Adobe Dreamweaver fits the bill, together with Notepad++ (However I've worked with Notepad++ before)

donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Weekly summary

As my weekend already started in a way (Placement is from Monday-Thursday), I thought I would share in short how this week went and what I anticipate and expect from next week.

The start of the week has been mainly about the team getting together and finishing our document, after a few meetings it was noted that it needed some revising, so I intend to do that over the weekend. As for Google Earth, one of my teammates managed to get it working on his blog Wednesday, while I managed to get my own Google map, work in Google Earth and on my testblog. However both methods are different so we should look at that on Monday hopefully.

As for next week, what seems certain at this stage is that the tema shall come together and throw around idea's for the PlanPedia page, as Wiki pages can be done on various ways.

Have a good Weekend